Steven Yarnot is the internal product owner for the Client Operating System and Internet Browser for a "Large International Manufacturing Firm".  He has built a global OS distribution system on the MDT platform that is deploying new PC builds at his company at a rate just under 45,000 PCs per year.  His system supports 221 selection profiles from 173 locations worldwide.  He has presented at TechEd 2011 and been a guest on the Springboard Series.

Outside of work, he is a Husband, Father of 5, College Instructor, Mentor for FIRST® Robotics Competition Team # 1736, and Boy Scout Troop volunteer.

He presented 2 sessions at MMS this year, one on Blocking Group Policy during MDT Task sequences, and the other on using SysInternals' BGInfo to add value to your build process.

Clicking on this link will make you smile.

He can be found on e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Windows Live.

Digital MMS - View Session Recordings Here
MDT 2012 Download
SysInternals Website
SysInternals BGInfo Forum
BgInfo downlad
BMP2JPG Command Line Tool (Freeware with C# source)
ResourceHacker (Freeware)
Online QR Code Generator (Freeware)
How to Determine ForeFront and MSE Status
Symantec Security Products
Kaspersky Products
McAffe Products
Backgrounds and BGI files used in BgInfo Presentation MDT Task Sequences
Task Sequence & VBS Files used in Presentation
MDT Task Sequences - Using BGInfo in MDT
Generic Blurb advertising the value of BGInfo after you implement it

I had a internal networking issue with my Demonstration Hyper-v Network.  My DNS server had a bunch of dead records and was missing an 'a' record for the server itself.  I wish I had caught the issue before my presentaion, because my client connectivity issue threw me off, and reduced the overall quality of the presentation, while I tripped over the issue.  Annoying and easily fixed, but very bad timing for the demonstration which was incomplete - people who wanted to see what I was presenting did not get the opportunity to do so - to all of you, I apologise.  Thankfully that issue is now fixed, so if you are interested in the look and feel of the BGInfo, please come to my blocking Group Policy session on Tuesday, where it will not be the focus of conversaiont, but will be visible.

Digital MMS - View Session Recordings Here
MDT 2012 Download
The Command Line SetACL Tool (Freeware)
Well Known Security Identifiers for Windows Systems
How to get from a SID to an account name (And the other way around)
Doing ACL transactions in PowerShell
Formatting Legal Notice with vertical spaces
Backgrounds and BGI files used in BgInfo Presentation MDT Task Sequences
MDT Script Folder Adds - Includes my work-in-process PowerShell Scripts
MDT Task Sequences - Block Group Policy Processing Service
GPO - Bogus Legal Notice
GPO - Deny Run From Network
GPO - Block Scripts
GPO - Disable Local Administrator
GPO - (Deliberately Bad Example) Change Local Administrator Password - Do not use in a production environment
GPO - (Deliberately Bad Example) Change Local Administrator Account Name - Do not use in a production environment

Much more successful session.  With my routing issue resolved, my demonstrations all worked as planned.  In retrospect, I think I talked a little too quickly and could have dived a little deeper in my demos, but I was just giddy that it was working after Monday's epic failure.  Please, if you attended, be sure to fill out the evaluation on MMS CommNet - Of course I would prefer you giving me all 9's but you should probably give me an honest evaluation.

After the session I had a couple of people ask questions about alternative methods to my technique.  One was to use the scheduling service, and the other to deny the SYSTEM account access to the Group Policy registry keys.  I will investigate the use of both techniques, and post my findings here.  I suspect that both alternative solutions will work to some degree, but have the same basic issue that my technique does; anything you do, you also have to undo (to leave the system in the Microsoft default configuration, and to avoid unforseen consequences), essentially creating the same "do it/undo it" scenario that I outlined in the session.